Short Stories

Legion - 03/15


There she is, the girl that has viciously torn away at my attention since the first day she moved here. She's new to this town, in fact the entire country. I overheard some kids talking about how she used to live in Europe and has traveled to many different countries. She is so elegant in her demeanor, she seems to make every step as though she were continuously skating an Olympic routine. Her brown curly hair drapes perfectly mid-way down her back. Her bangs always pushed to the side, slightly concealing her right eye. A cute part splitting the crown and side of her head on the left. She is a conservative person, soft and chilled. I see her always talking to people, yet never getting emotionally involved. She seems to have found her niche here at school, skating by through the days, being a good student. Yet, there is something about her smile. Something about her eyes, so very deep blue, and speckled in the iris, as though they had been dashed with pepper. I find that she is guarded, as though the past has slowly chipped away at her heart. The constant moving, pulling the strings of her personality, of which she finally got tired of, forcing herself to bottle theses emotions. As she finally makes her way up to me, she calls out my name, "Legion, hey, wait up!" Just the way she says it seems to roll off her tongue and into my ears, melting it's way to my heart. Mushy, maybe, but she holds so much to me, my hopes, my dreams, creating the euphoria I crave on a daily basis. Her very existence seems to wash away the torn emotional net I've spent most of my life resenting. I feel overwhelmed with joy at the fact that Lacey and I are together. We make our way to my car. There, I am once again reminded by the scratch of metal and the twisting of the key which ignited the engine, matching pitch to the same roar I heard on that late fall night. Recalling that night, I can smell the dry leaves, earthy and wet. Their decomposing scent finding its way into my nostrils, and through my bedroom window. It's a smell I've come to enjoy. As I leave my room and make my way out of the house, yelling to my mother I'm going for a drive, to enjoy the night air. I love rain, and the smell of damp ground. It brings about a calmness in me. Recently upset with an argument she endured with my father, my mother returns the same yell telling me to bring along my younger brother Avery, having just recently turned 12, feeling like he's all grown up. We get into the car and begin to drive. My brother is very quick witted, speaks his mind, always asking questions. After several minutes of his voice filling the air, I find myself growing annoyed, as I have my heart set on just observing, taking in the night air. As his voice continues to rattle on in my head, a sudden burst arises in me, shouting at him to be quiet. It is unlike me to lash out, which is plainly seen from the shocked look on his face, coupled with the glimmer from his glossy retina. I had just hurt him. Water begins to fill his eyes, and it’s obvious he holds back his emotion, a hereditary trait. Immediately after, lights appear from behind and start swerving. The car is approaching fast on the two lane bridge, and therefore my only reaction is to accelerate in order to escape. We did not accelerate fast enough. He smashes our back end, clipping the side as well. The wet ground lacks any formidable traction, and sends us spinning into the oncoming lane. We smash into the side rail, and break through, now hanging by the back end of the car. The other car swings off the right side of the bridge, plummeting into the river, clipping the canyon walls on its way down, undoubtedly killing the driver. I look up, vision blurred, ears ringing, and head pounding. Blood is scattered across the dash, and I can feel my left arm is broken, pinned between the airbag and the side door. I can make out a blurred spot, and a constant ringing coming from the front end of the car. As I regain my vision I see that it is Avery. He is holding onto the crumpled front of the car. It is cutting his fingers, and therefore he screams relentlessly in a cry for help. Regaining coherence, I become aware that I must do something in order to save him. Adrenaline begins to surge, I quickly formulate a plan, understanding that the car is unbalanced on the bridge, and the slightest weight displacement might result in both our deaths. I slowly move to try and search for something I can throw him to latch onto. My arm is caught tangled in the seat belt, and I can't move much. I then throw the car into reverse and try to move us back onto the bridge, but the engine is totaled from impact with the guard rail. My brother losing grip, it is clear I must hurry. I must get loose from the seat belt’s grip. I remember my knife under the seat, and reach for it. I slice the seat belt at its base, to which it releases it’s intense grip. I’m light headed from my loss of blood. Remembering the little time I have, I slowly shift my weight to get in a better position. I stretch out my arm, reaching for Avery, I am almost in reach of him, shifting my weight more, I place my hand on glass, cutting through the palm of my hand, and sending me crashing onto the hood of the car. The sudden shift in weight tips the car more. The bent hood cuts deeper into Avery's hands and he lets go. Before I can jump to save him the back end of the car returns to the ground throwing me back into the driver's seat. I am forced to listen as Avery's scream echoes through the canyon walls, all the way down to the faint splash into the river. A faint splash that no one else hears. A splash that...

"Legion! You ok? We gotta go, I'm gonna be late for work."

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Returning from dropping Lacey off at work, Legion sits, resting on his bed, neatly made. The thought of it being messy, greatly disturbs him, as he feels that an organized bed makes him more efficient and feeling better about the day. Yet, today he paces in his room. Trying to forget the flashback he experienced earlier. Pushing emotion aside, and remaining analytical towards his life. It helps him cope with the regret, the guilt he feels, the blame he bestows upon himself for not thinking quick enough, or finding an efficient solution, to save Avery, the night he died. Now growing restless, as nothing works to distract him, homework is too hard to focus on, and Xbox doesn’t hold his attention any longer than the homework. He resorts to his favorite pastimes, reading and listening to music. When reading, Legion becomes wrapped in an imaginary world that allows his brain to escape into an emotional connection with each character. The music serves as an emotional outlet. The lyrics in every song seem to describe his feelings so eloquently that he can forget the feeling even troubled him. When neither of these work, he decides to call his friend Marcus. Marcus moved to Kyroque around a month after Legion lost his brother Avery. They immediately hit it off, becoming best friends. Marcus understands Legion and all his emotional struggles, even though both vary drastically in their childhoods. Marcus growing up in South Carolina, on the beach, with his mother, recently divorced from his well off father. His mother winning custody, the house they bought, and a great sum of money from his father, who ran a small drug ring on the side. Marcus seemed to have it made, getting anything he wanted. Except true love from his parents. His mother was a drug addict, severely irresponsible, and lacking any real parenting skills. Therefore they lost the money quick, and ended up selling the house. This situation forced them to move back with Marcus' grandparents, in Kyroque, where he would meet Legion, who has only known Kyroque his whole life. His family however, from Oregon, traditionally is very different from the town's natives. Still, their pasts caused them to grow intellectually, each in their own ways, finding different strengths, yet maintaining a relatively similar understanding of the world. These differing strengths cause each to be able to give advice and understanding to each other's problems and emotional battles. Marcus came right over and they began to talk it out, Marcus allows Legion to vent, and then asks pinpointed questions that allow him to find a deeper meaning in all his problems. It slowly but surely calms Legion down. He now has settled on his bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating life, and his relationship with Lacey. The conversation jumps to a long discussion of future plans, and a bouncing off of ideas revolving around the central idea that Legion loves Lacey. He describes his longing for marriage, his deep hope of finding someone who he can open up to. Someone that will understand him, let him throw all of his problems on, and take them, not having to solve them, but, just be there to understand, and listen. Someone who'll love him for all of who he is, his past mistakes, and his current quirks. Someone who can relieve the burden of all he's been through. He spends so much of his life helping others with their problems, he finds himself running from his own, and therefore keeps a hope firmly engraved into his heart, that he will one day be able to express all of his feelings to someone he can share a bond of love with. Meanwhile, during this conversation, Marcus can't help but think of Lacey, and begin to increasingly think of her invaluable qualities that match Legion's descriptions so perfectly it would make anyone fall in love with her. It's just how Legion talks, he always grabs listener's attention when he speaks about something he cares for. You could say it's his own fault.

Over the next few weeks, Marcus, Lacey, and Legion grew very close as friends. They often would hang out everyday after school, laughing, starting trouble, doing anything to keep each other busy. As an inseparable trio, you would never find time when they were without each other. But, unfortunately no one can account for becoming sick. This week Legion became sick, with a stomach virus from which he is now bedridden. Meanwhile, Marcus and Lacey still ensue on their daily hangouts. This time alone allows feelings in Marcus heart to burrow. These feelings dig their way through flesh and soul drawing Marcus and Lacey ever closer to each other. Lacey oblivious to the force of attraction housed inside Marcus' heart, continues with their friendship.

"I can't believe I would ever feel this way. It seems like I wake up every morning just to see Lacey. But, Legion and her are together. Can I really do that to him? I, his best friend, do that?" Marcus now pacing back and forth, scratching his chin, and running his hands through his hair.

"I can't, we've become so close, he's helped me with so much. When my father died, he helped me cope with the pain, he's helped me stay focused on my studies in times of family distress. Could I really embark on taking Lacey away from him? But, she means so much to me, she's been there for me, and the way she makes me feel when I'm around her, is everything I'd ever hoped for in a girl. I have to get her... I need her in my life." Marcus, crashes into his bed, face down, entering a deep thought process. Marcus finally grows restless, knowing he must act with precision and determination if he is to gain Lacey for himself. Although feelings of guilt and questions of his friendship often arise in his head, the desire of the flesh is too strong for his moral will. Being that his past is filled with grief, sorrow, and distant love, Marcus is plagued with a misguided moral compass. Filled with a plethora of emotion, Marcus is determined to tell Lacey how he feels. It's the only right thing to do in his mind. The array of emotions he is experiencing acts as a gateway to a flood of decisions fueled entirely by what he feels, disregarding all inclination to think. Legion's explanation of what he sees in Lacey has dug its ideals into his heart. Marcus finds Lacey after school, having spent the entire day anxious and thinking about how he will address the situation. You can see it crawl all over his skin.

"Hey Lacey wait up! Can I talk to you for a sec."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I was wondering what you had planned after school today."

"Well, I have some psychology homework, but I'm free after that, possibly thinking about stopping by Legion's tonight, he's finally feeling better."

"Gotcha, well, would you wanna hang out tonight? I found this new spot we could explore, if it sounds like fun."

"Yeah, that does, wanna pick me up around 5?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan!"

Marcus filled with joy, returns to his home. He can't help but show his excitement for the night, coupled with a subtle sense of worry lingering in the back of his head. He stops back by her house around 5, having put on his favorite shirt, reapplying product in his hair, and spraying himself down with cologne, he knows is Lacey’s favorite. They travel to the spot, just a short drive of maybe 15 minutes. Long enough however to allow for small talk of some new artists they like, and express their musical taste, most of which Marcus gained from Legion. They begin their exploration with excitement. The rocky cliffs, are somewhat mossy, each individual layer of sedimentary rock showing its age, its past, and the reasons it's been shaped into such a huge valley. Lacey looks at each contour of the rocky cliffs, imagining someone drawing each shape. Her only conclusion is a scatter plot, since there is no pattern to understand it’s beauty. The sun draped across the sky, receding enough to where a light pink has just started to layer itself on the horizon. The trees lining the side of the valley are oak. They tower over it all, hiding the depths that lie ahead for those in the forest. The river running below is foamy, crashing between the walls and every rock along its winding path. Marcus and Lacey make their way through each crevice in the walls of the valley until they find a decent spot to sit and enjoy the fading light of the sun. Upon finding the perfect spot halfway between the bridge and waterfall, high above the bottom offering a curved view of the landscape, Lacey expresses that's she's hungry. Marcus anticipating this situation, brings out his backpack full of sandwich food, and snacks. They make dinner and enjoy more laughter, and jokes as both discuss their future plans after high school. Marcus knows he wants to go off to college, leaving behind his family or the lack there of. He’s unsure of his future, but wants to embrace it with someone else. Lacey wants to attend a medical college to become a nurse, with her intelligence and determination, it's clearly understood from the tone in her voice she'd be a success in the field. Finally, Marcus feels that he has found the perfect time to open up to Lacey, let her know who he is.

"So, do you see that bridge over there?"


"Do you know what's significant about that spot?"

"No? Should I?"

"Not necessarily,” Marcus gave a sharp chuckle, “just wondering. So, there's something that I've never told people, and it's about that spot. It happened when I first moved here. Before anyone from school knew me."

Lacey, not understanding Marcus's serious tone yet, acts very excited about the information she's about to hear.

"Oh, really? What happened?"

"Well, I didn't know the roads very well when I first moved here, but, I was tired of my family, so I decided to take a drive to explore and get my mind off of things. I drove very fast, hoping for an adrenaline boost. But, in all my infinite wisdom,” Marcus chuckles, “I took the turn onto the bridge too fast, and lost control of my car. All of a sudden I saw a car on this bridge in front of me. With no time to react I began swerving to try and miss them, but, puddles in the road kept forcing my car to lose traction. I smashed into the car in front of me, and swerved off the right side, in a last inch effort to save myself from death in the valley, I jumped from my car. My head smashed into a tree branch knocking me out cold. I still have scars on my head."

"Wow...I...I'm sorry Marcus. Was everything ok? What happened to the other people?"

Lacey with a new demeanor, looks concerningly at Marcus.

"Yeah, I'm fine, and I don’t know what happened to the other people."

Lacey gives Marcus a deep embrace.

"If you need to ever talk about it, or anything for that matter, I'm here for you."

Those words send the electrodes in his brain into a feud, lighting up like the Fourth of July. It’s time.

"So, I've been thinking a lot, lately, about you."


"Yes you Lacey, there's no one else here."

He smiles endearingly at Lacey.

"Ok, just making sure."

"I really love you."

"Oh, wow, really?"

"Yes, of course, you're all I can think about! For as long as I remember, I've had a deep hope of finding someone who I could open up to. Someone that would understand me, let me throw all of my problems on, and take them, not having to solve them, but, just be there to understand, and listen. Someone who would embrace my past mistakes, and all my quirks. Someone who could relieve the burden of all I've been through. I know this is a lot, and I'm not saying you have to do these things, because you already do them, as a friend. I just, want to be more than that. I love you."

", this is a lot."

"I know, I know, it really is, I didn't want to burden you with all this, but, I couldn't let it rest any longer"

"I get it, just let me think on this."

Marcus grows confused at Lacey's hesitation, as anxiety starts to set in.

"Ok, take your time."

A few moments pass and he asks her if she's ok.

"No, I'm not fine, you know I'm with Legion, but, I still have those feelings towards you."

"Just forget about Legion for now."

Marcus leans forward grabbing her hand, and kisses Lacey. Lacey kisses back.

In the following week, Lacey neglects to tell Legion what happened, out of fear of what may happen to their relationship.

Legion spending most of his time reflecting on his feelings toward Lacey decides to take her on a date after school. He takes her to the bridge, where his brother died. The environment hasn't changed much. But, the bridge was fixed, and now has an outside walkway for runners and cyclists. The narrow bridge is returned to its faded red, that appears almost pink in some lights. Mainly on rainy days, the days Legion often would revisit the bridge to reflect on the past events. Lacey begins thinking about her future, and the night Marcus told her he loved her. She realizes that the bridge she is sitting on, is the same one Marcus showed her.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“Well, this is place not many know about, and it’s had a lot of impact in my life.”

“Like what?”

A small tremble is noticeable in her voice as she asks Legion this question with ocean like depth. He embarks on the story of the night he lost Avery. Lacey however can't listen intently, as she is far too distracted with the fact that Marcus told her the same story. Legion is somewhat stunned by the date as opening up to Lacey is part of what he cherishes so deeply about their friendship, and why he feels he loves her. He can’t properly analyze how Lacey feels, as her facial expressions are misconstrued with the story, because she can’t focus. Upon finishing the story, Legion realizes she doesn’t notice.

“Lacey, are you ok? You seem out of it.”

“What? Yeah...I...just, I don’t know that was a really sad story.”

Legion leans in and kisses her, expecting a reaction far different from the one he got.

He decides he should tell Lacey how he feels. He does so the next day after school on their drive home.

"Did you have fun last night?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Nice, so, can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course"

"Is everything alright between us?"

Lacey now struggling to hide how she feels about their relationship.


"Yeah, I only ever want an honest response from you."

"No, everything is not ok."

"Oh...really? What is it?"

"It's Marcus."

"Wait, what? Hold up."

"Yeah, I think love Marcus."

"You think you love Marcus? Seriously?"

"Yes, I’ve gotten really close to him recently. And it’s nothing you did."

"What changed then?"

They arrive at Lacey's home.

"I'm sorry Legion, it's nothing you did, I just love Marcus. But, you know how important our friendship is to me, and I don't ever want to lose it. Can we still be friends?"

"Umm...I...I guess."

Legion's hands become clammy, as thoughts of every bad situation roll through his head, he can't understand what happened.

Normal confusion, the kind that is often experienced from a lack of understanding, does not apply to Legion in this scenario. Rather, the lack of truth, which furnishes real understanding, is what Legion lacks. He’s lost in his thoughts, unable to find the real truth from either of the two people he categorizes as true friends. He’s plagued to his own imagination, as to why Lacey left him. So abruptly, so viscously, it’s beyond his understanding, and beyond any truth. With all understanding aside, Legion resumes his friendship with both Marcus and Lacey. Choosing to put aside his emotions, hoping that he could resume any resemblance of normality. Returning to the bridge, late at night, a deep humidity in the air, as though it were soon to rain. Legion enjoys this feeling, the light wind, and soft chill in the air. He sits on the side of the bridge, recalling the past couple weeks. Looking for where things changed, what could have happened, or why Lacey had a sudden change of heart.

Legion then looks across the valley, and notices a flickering light in the distance, on the side of the cliff. Focusing in, he hears some laughter, with familiarity. He then realizes that it is Marcus and Lacey. Sending him deeper into the feelings he’s been trying so hard to escape from, on this beautiful night. Legion lays back, landing on the wooden sidewalk with a echoing thud from the metal rafters vibrations. He stares up at the sky, seeing the stars, the full moon, and letting his mind wander as he dozes off. Before too long, Legion is abruptly awakened with the screeching of slick tires against cold pavement. His newly awakened state, coupled with the shine of bright headlights leave Legion without any knowledge of the situation at hand. He looks away, at the other end of the bridge, and notices a family of deer running toward the car. The driver of the car seems to notice, and attempts to divert its path from a collision course, only putting the car in a worse position as it smashes into the sidewalk fence, slicing through a few suspension cables and greatly damaging the vehicle. Legion gets up, and makes his way over to the car with caution. As he approaches he doesn’t realize that it is Marcus’ car. With caution in mind he approaches from behind along the passenger side. Looking in, he notices Lacey sitting in the front seat. Her brown curly hair, spattered with blood, and her face badly bruised. Blood lines the dash, and the window is busted out. Glass sits all over Lacey’s lap, along with a freshly opened Monster, Marcus’ favorite. Legion quick to react, opens the door and unbuckles her seat belt. He slowly moves her out from the seat, cutting himself on a few shards of glass. He carries her away to the other sidewalk, safe from any danger. Returning to the crash Legion searches for the driver. He notices blood spatter on the hood of the car, and follows it. A couple feet in front, tangled in the outer sidewalk fence, he sees a body. The fence dangles over the straight drop to the bottom of the valley. He approaches slowly, crunching over glass and stepping around car parts. The fence begins tearing from the bottom and it’s clear to see it’s falling into the valley. Legion dives onto the wooden sidewalk, splintering his right arm, as he stretches it out in an effort to grasp the falling fence. Legion latches on, catching his belt buckle on a bolt of the sidewalk. Legion looks down at the body, whose arm is tangled in the fence, cutting deeply into his forearm. The man yells loud, a painful scream, undoubtedly from the depths of his soul. Legion’s world seems to shrink into a maze of electric pulses, as he realizes that the person hanging from the fence, is Marcus. Legion looks again at Marcus’ with a blank stare. The reality of the situation hits him. He holds the life of his friend in his right hand. Every thought of anger seems to immerse itself into Legion. He recalls the past weeks, and his loss of Lacey to Marcus. He cringes at every thought, and begins to loosen his grip on the fence. The thoughts in his head start grasping at his inner person. Digging its claws into his paper heart, tearing into his soul. The thoughts of revenge surge in like a tsunami of rage. He can't help but focus in on all the wrong Marcus has done to him. He loosens his grip on the fence more. Marcus looks up at Legion with pleading eyes, tearing deeper into his conscious struggle. Legion looks away, trying hard to block out sympathetic emotions. Legion contemplates his options, with time fading, the woven iron has started to warp and separate. Legion, thinks about how letting go, could release all his anger, how he could finally release the rage, inflict the pain on the person who has caused him so much. He imagines Marcus falling to the valley bottom, crashing into the river, and rocks that rest in the water. He then trails to Lacey, still unconscious on the other side of the bridge, and how she means so much to him, and that Marcus means so much to her. Pondering deep in thought, Legion begins to question all motive in his actions.

"How could I let her live like this, how could I let him die, and hurt her. What am I saying? How could I kill Marcus? Although he has no regard for our friendship, is the loss of his life worth what he has done to me."

Legion now reaches around with his other arm, shifting more weight to his center of gravity. He clasps his fingers into the loops of the fence, beginning to pull up on the fence. The movement digs the iron fence deeper into Marcus' arm, to which he reacts by letting out more screams. As Legion pulls, the iron bolt caught on his buckle, begins to dig into his abdomen, piercing deep into his body. Blood begins to drip from the bolt as he clinches his muscles in order to pull Marcus from death’s gravitational force. With Marcus almost to the top, a small crack in the wooden sidewalk deepens, weakening the structure currently holding Legion in place. Legion relaxes the tension in the wood, so as not to kill both of them. He quickly examines his surroundings again looking for solutions to the danger currently facing both Marcus and himself. Legion begins swaying Marcus in an effort to give him momentum. Rain begins falling, as a thunderstorm rolls over the valley opening. Legion spots a rafter under the bridge, it's the control office for maintenance work. After a few more swings, Legion throws Marcus to the rafter, to which he is caught by the metal walkway. Crashing into the iron bars with a deep echo. The bolt digging into Legion, breaks in his effort to throw Marcus. Legion falls rotating him to where he can see the sky as he falls downward. The bolt still in his abdomen, is causing him to bleed out faster than he can fall. His brain drifts into a cerebral illusion, considering all his hopes and dreams, the things that he always innately contemplates when it rains. As he stares deeply into the sky, infinitely at this point, watching his future, his past, and his love fall away, sinking into the sky, receding from his faint grasp, he seems so hopeful. The worry, the pain, the confusion, all effortlessly lost.

It wasn’t the solution he wanted, but it was the one he needed.

Fun with Dick and Jane - 03/15

Fun with Dick and Jane

They started out so well. Dick is a fit, well built, entrepreneur, who had a deep sensitive side not many saw. He was madly in love with Jane, a beautiful, slender business woman, very classy, a woman that most men can only dream of finding. Jane understood Dick, fulfilled all his needs, made him feel proud to be a man. Jane’s love for Dick was unlike anything Dick had ever experienced. Because of this new experience, Dick became very deeply attached to Jane. Upon this realization, Dick made the push to get married, and so they were. Soon after which they had a child together. Things in both their lives seemed to be going perfect, both Dick and Jane had steady jobs, a nice 2 story loft in the city with a beautiful view, 2 luxurious cars, and on top of that enjoyed taking care of their child. However, despite all the good, bad had begun to nest its way into Jane’s heart. She developed a short temper, lashing out at very miniscule things. After a couple more months, she became physically abusive. The seriousness of her actions became more prevalent, to the point where it became necessary for Dick to obtain a restraining order against Jane. And also file for a divorce, winning custody of their child. This action still did not stop her. Determined to see her child and furious with Dick, she began to stalk Dick, following his every move, planning to confront him at the right time. One day this confrontation ensued, and resulted in a public expression of abuse. Jane was arrested and put in jail, for life, after more evidence was revealed as to the severity of abuse.

Month’s later, things settled down, and Dick returned to his single life of taking care of a child and a job. Until one day. After dropping off his child on the way home from work, Dick goes home to take a nap after a long days work. Before going to sleep, he decides to check the news. A breaking story rolls across the bottom of the screen. “3 Prisoners Escape Max Security Prison - 2 captured, 1 still at large.” Dick’s mind begins to trail to the topic of Jane, and how she is at that prison. He remembers small details about her, the distinct smells she used to have. And then he realizes, he is smelling one right now, Jane’s classic hair spray, a fruity mix of mango and coconut, unmistakably hers. He fights his own inclination to assume the worse, talking himself down from anxious thoughts. Then finally, he hears footsteps coming from the second story spiral staircase. His thoughts begin to rush into his brain, clouding his cognitive processes. He starts to skim through all of his thoughts analytically, deciphering all of the possible actions he could take, and the minute details of how they would play out. He carefully weighs each consequence. At this time, Jane reaches the final step. Dick finds himself fixed in attention on the white wall guarding the spiral staircase. The high rise apartment Dick lives in, is entirely white. It's modern, with a walkout balcony overlooking the city. He hears a wood panel creek, his fingers now shaking uncontrollably. As Jane walks out from behind the wall, Dick finds himself dazed. There she is, standing in the black dress she wore when they first met. It's red trim and white sash, add a confused sense of desire to Dick's array of feelings. Immediately he is thrown back, as every emotion he once had for her culminates inside his heart. His fear seems to subside, as he relaxes back into the chair, making a subtle squawk, from his suit pants rubbing against the leather. He stares intently at Jane's eyes, searching inevitably for what would be a sign that the old her has returned. He noticed the green glow from her eyes, and the yellow sunburst that surrounds each pupil. He can see her again, the woman he fell in love with. It is there, right on the other side of her glassy eyes. He scans the rest of her faced noticing the classic smile she always gave him when he was stressed. It used to calm him, sooth his emotions and let him unload the burden he was at the time struggling with. This look evokes a sense of flattery in Dick as he begins to feel an emotion he never thought he would feel again, at least not towards Jane. This emotion, one that can surpass all preconceived stereotypes, and forgive even the deepest of sins, that of love. Dick finds himself falling head over heals for Jane. He thinks about all the wonderful times they shared. Like their child's birth, and the many dates they shared as a couple. Every good memory flows freely brought his brain. Dick focuses on how Jane just might posses all those qualities again. Jane makes her way over to Dick. Switching perfectly with every step, she floats across the wood floor over to Dick. Dick, caught up in his renewed emotional connection to Jane, does not notice how Jane has cleverly hidden her right hand. She sets her left hand on his right knee and leans forward meeting Dick eye to eye. Only a small space separates their faces. She leans forward even more and gives him a kiss on the lips. Her red lipstick leaves a residual tint on Dick's lips. With that single kiss, Dick melts into Jane’s clutches. She leans around his head, cheek to cheek, and whispers, the last words that will ever hold meaning in his life. "It's because of you." Dicks snaps back from his intellectually incoherent state. He peers across the room, noticing a steak knife missing from the knife rack. He notices the reflection in the hallway mirror. That of the exact knife noticed missing, now in Jane’s hand. Refraining from making any sudden movements , he turns his head to look at Jane. A single tear trickles down her right cheek, snaking quickly. They meet eyes again, Dick now pleading with his facial expression, surely expecting to be killed. Jane quickly draws the blade, brings it to her neck, and slices laterally. Dick having never broken eye contact, witnesses the woman he loved so deeply disappear from behind her glassy eyes. Her limp body collapses onto Dick's lap, as she bleeds out over top of him. Dick, now left with an empty chasm in his heart, is overcome by deep sorrow. This sorrow finds its way quickly into his heart, filling every crack with deep regret. Dick quickly retrieves the knife from Jane’s hand, and holds it to his heart. He delves into a mental banter as to whether or not he should relieve himself of all the sorrow he now feels. For, he truly does wish to be with Jane, she is the only woman who has ever truly loved him. In a quick contraction of muscles Dick puts an end to his sorrow, and an end to the banter he finds himself in. Both Dick and Jane, lay there in the living room chair, now drenched in blood. Forever cast into spending their lives together. The fun is now over...

Paul - 02/15


The day had finally come, the trucks were arriving. Early in the morning, on this summer day, the sun was still rising, and the clouds scattered. A beautiful sight, one that Paul will never be able to know happened, due to his being legally blind. Though having slept very little, he is keen at the roar of diesel engines, and the chatter of underpaid drivers, outside his house. It’s a familiar sound he’d spent the majority of his younger years hearing, as he was a salesman. A knock on the door startles him. His body filled with vigor, and surging with fear, excitement, and anger. Although this day was expected, it's reality has yet to set in. Paul sits, frozen in his chair, as though he were facing shock torture. He grips the arm chairs harder and harder after every knock. Finally the doorbell rings. Paul gets up, a twitch fluttering in his eye. He waddles slowly over to the basement stairs and begins his ascent. Each step creeks almost in unison with the doorbell's tone. The tone is inviting, so sweet and melodious, but nothing breaks Paul's focus. Paul reaches the top step and quickly turns right hiding behind an empty bookcase he had placed there earlier this week. Paul feels around the floor, searching for the case. It had fallen over during the night, he remembers hearing the bang. Upon finding the case, Paul opens it with grace, assembling each part carefully. He loads the rocket into the launcher and stands up. Paul yells to the front door, "Who is it?"

The young man, currently on the phone, replies with a Brazilian presence in his voice. "We have come to pick up the collection! Do you want us-"

Paul fires the rocket blasting through the front window, slamming straight into the first parked semi. It's explosion completely destroys the truck, leaving the men around it incapacitated. An orange glow now fills the record shop, windows shattered, and the first 10 feet of the store torn apart. Paul kneels down to the case again, grasping the last rocket with force. He reloads the launcher, and waits. Return fire comes crashing into the store, flying through the shelves breaking more glass and tearing apart the cases. Once the store front clears of smoke, some men enter. Firing has ceased, it is now quiet.

"Hello! Is anyone in here? We are only here for the collection. We mean no harm!"

A loud crunch of glass echoes through the store, alerting Paul. He gets up, and turns to the store front. Paul fires the last rocket, it slams into the sidewalk missing those inside the store. Distracted by the second explosion, the truck drivers do not see Paul waddling towards the basement door. However, before he can finally reach the stairs, he is hit by a bullet. The bullet blows through his shoulder, throwing him down the stairs. Paul dazed and in pain, feels around the dusty rows of vinyl cases. The records of which he'd spent his entire life collecting. The records he spends every waking moment tending to, making sure each is properly preserved, and occasionally played. But, the Brazilians were about to take that from him. Aware of the current danger, Paul finds one of three switches he'd so cleverly installed. As the Brazilian men make their way down the steps, Paul flips the switch and makes his way to the next, grimacing with every step. Paul's world seems to be physically spinning now, unable to make straight steps, as he runs into the sides of the cases. Paul flips the second switch, which sparks, and fills the room with a loud humming noise. Making his way to the final switch, Paul trips on the corner of a case, sending him plummeting to the floor. His head makes contact with the cold concrete, directly on the temporal lobe. All of Paul's senses become clouded, except for one. His vision, in a complete reversal of senses, has returned. Not wasting any time however, he spots the last switch. Reaching for it with every ounce of strength left in his body, he forcibly turns the last switch on. "Click!"